Saturday, June 9, 2012

Almost Full Circle

Taste and see that the Lord is good! Even with stubborn folk like me!

There's a problem I've had for several years now that I've had much struggle with off and on. Weeks will go by with no agitation and frustration and then other weeks with it being all I can think about.  I'll lose sleep over it and overthink it and the possible resolutions.  I admit that I have not given it over to God like I should have. I continue to grab it back from Him like I can handle it myself. So silly! I refuse to let it go.

Well, it's about to take care of itself.  The Lord has allowed some circumstances that will resolve the problem. He has either lost patience with me or has had an amazing amount of mercy on me. Ha! I love Him so much.

Here is a quote from my devotional this morning that is so appropriate! (By Jan Silvious)
"To learn humility is to learn contentment in all circumstances.  Humility is not in what we own or achieve, but in maintaining a teachable attitude, a willingness to bend to the will of the Father."

You'd think that after being a Christian for 44 years and all the wonderful strength and gifts that are available to me from Him that I would have done better than be defeated somewhat.  But He is truly aware of and patient with our weaknesses.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  He is happy to take our burdens on Himself. I just hope He'll give me another chance one day to show that I can conquer a problem.  Well, I think that's a given!

We have a little grandson coming in November.  Found out yesterday that it's a boy. So Maddie is still the number one and only girl.  The two boys will grow up together just 2 years apart. That'll be nice but tough at the same time for their parents, I'm thinking!  No name decided as of yet.