Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ups, Downs, and In Between

The last month since my last post has been full of mixed emotions. As the title, downs, and in between.  We now have cancer to deal with in our family as well as a new baby due in 12 weeks and just living our everyday lives in between it all.

My life and that of my family has been blessed for many years.  My brother and sister and I have parents who are a true GIFT from God.  We are all close.  We enjoy our weekly visits, special get-togethers for birthdays, festive times like Christmas and Thanksgiving, and, most of all, just doing life together at church, home, etc.  Mom and Dad are my inspiration that you CAN be married for 56 years and enjoy life together.  That the only way to do it is through your faith and trust in the Lord.  That the best way is to have respect for each other as well as love.

At the end of June, my mother developed atrial flutter. She was sent to the ER from the doctor's office and then was admitted to the hospital and the doctors did a cardiac ablation to resolve the problem.  All went well although it was a bit of a recovery for mom.  Around that same time, my dad had bumped his arm pretty hard into a door frame and it swelled and was very painful.  The x-ray showed it fractured but would heal on its own.  After time passed and things did not get better, he had an MRI and this showed a tumor in the arm.  Now the diagnosis is Lymphoma and he will start chemotherapy next week.  We will find out if it is elsewhere in the body next week also.  We are praying and our church family and friends are praying daily.  We feel so supported by them and our faith in the Lord and the knowledge that His plan is perfect.  May it all bring glory to Him.

On the really UP side is Micah.  Here's my third grandchild.  He is due in 12 weeks and what a JOY that day will be.  He's due during the presidential election week!  Maybe we'll have even more to celebrate then!
The boy looks somewhat like Landon.  I wonder if he will be a little Landon with red hair like Maddie! Fun!

With all this going on and my long workdays which are happy but stressful at times, I have enjoyed exercising. I never thought I'd say that but this trail makes all the difference.  It is 3 miles long, through woods, pastures, and country lanes.  I have seen rabbits, deer, frogs, squirrels, and even a snake. Yikes!  I see an old man on a cane every day and runners who sound and look like they are about to have a heart attack as they run up some of the steep hills.  I stick to walking but I am feeling better and at least not gaining weight.  Not losing either but at least I'm happy doing the exercise!  Here are some beautiful scenes that I see four times a week.

I'm already planning to take lots more pics when the leaves start to change!  That will be a beautiful sight.

Looking forward to what the future is ultimately in His hands.  We pray for healing and for a safely-delivered new life!