Friday, January 28, 2011

My Little Maddie

I'm calling her "Pebbles" sometimes these days. She's so cute and reminds me of the little cartoon Pebbles on the Flintstones. Yes, that tells my age. Mimi is 53 now.  Yes, "Mimi"...Grandmommy has morphed into Mimi now...just a lot easier to say, I suppose.  Fine with me...just glad she calls me something.

This child has such a sweet nature.  Not to say that she doesn't have her moments.  She can be strong-willed. BUT she is generally obedient and quick to hug, kiss, play, sing, run, help with her brother, and just be happy. Madison is JOY!

She never quits talking these days (somewhat like her father in that way, ha).  She's a very petite little thing and loves veggies...her favorite seems to be broccoli.  You offer this kid macaroni and cheese and broccoli and she takes the broccoli.  She is an apple juice junkie (as her mom tells it) and also loves my sweet or unsweet tea.

She follows us everywhere, even into the bathroom (moms and gmoms never get any privacy).  For some reason the bathroom entices her to want to climb walls. That's the only room I've ever seen her do this in. She puts her foot on the wall and says to me, "kime wall?"  I just laugh and say for the hundredth time..."nothing to help you "kime" there girlie."

Maddie loves church nursery and Sunday School and playgrounds and "papa" and Grandmama.  She loves her friend Audrey and puppies and kitties and colors(crayons).  She's a left-handed redhead with beautiful blue-green eyes and long red-blonde eyelashes.  She loves the book Go Dog Go and I recently bought her The Napping House which is one of my favorites.  She has a funny dance she does to any music she hears. Puts her arms out to the sides almost like a chicken...hilarious!

Tons more I could say about this baby girl but I'll just stop here. Except to say that I am proud and happy to call her my granddaughter. That I'm proud of her parents in how they have given her such a great start in life. How they are impressing upon her good behavior and manners and love for God as they take her to church every week.  I can't wait to see what kind of girl, teenager, woman she grows into one day with the Lord as her Guide. I pray I may be a loving influence on her.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Church

I am in love with my church....the local "body of Christ" that I attend.  It is Roswell Street Baptist in Marietta, Georgia.  I've written about lots of other subjects but not this one and I can't believe that! This is absolutely the most vital thing I do all week.  Of course, I get to look at it from a unique perspective...I am on staff there.

I think the most obvious thing about my church is the concern and care that our members show to each other. Whether it's a death in the family, an injury, cancer or other disease, the members close to the family take over with caring actions..prayer, food, visits, whatever is needed.  It can be overwhelming and it is wonderful!

Another quality our church has is its commitment to missions, whether by volunteering on mission trips or giving financially.  Our pastor, Dr. Easley, has emphasized missions since he came in 2002 and, as a result, our international missions/home missions offering has added up to 350,000  to more than 450,000 dollars each year (just in the month of December).  Our membership comes through every time and that is just another way they show their love for our Lord and for others.  We are also a very patriotic group. The Fourth of July and Veteran's Day services are very important to our church and are always crowded and spirited.

We have ministries to the homeless, give food boxes and sack lunches out every week to those in need. There is a pregnancy center where women can come to talk about their crisis pregnancy and see an ultrasound of their babies.  There are many children alive today because of this ministry because their moms did not choose abortion.

From babies to children's ministries, to middle school, high school, college, young adults, middle-aged adults like me and senior adults, there are active and happy folks in the many varied music and Bible study programs and classes.  There is Upward Basketball in the winter months for 4 year olds on up through elementary school.  Many children and their parents have come to know Christ and their lives are thus changed forever through this outreach and fun.

A Brazilian congregation is part of our church as well as contemporary worship and blended worship.  Blended means a perfect mix of music...modern hymns and contemporary songs with traditional hymns. I love it!  I always look forward to our worship services and not just because the minister of music, Joe Buckner, is my boss. I truly enjoy all the elements of the service, from congregational singing, prayer, choir and orchestra, and preaching. Our pastor does not worry what anyone thinks about his preaching of God's Word.  He knows he is to tell us the Truth and that he does!  I rarely's just too important to my life and my well-being. Sure it can become routine but I try to pray each Sunday that I will learn something new about the Lord or that He will show me something I need to see and hear to grow in His love.

 We have wonderful musical programs for Good Friday,  Fourth of July, and Christmas.  I enjoy so much being in on the planning and preparation for these big events. I love seeing how these services all come together and hearing from visitors and members how much these programs mean to them in their lives.

I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was 10 years old and in another church.  We joined Roswell Street when I was 12 and I "grew up" there all ways, spiritually and emotionally.  I was married there, dedicated my babies there and then watched my own daughter marry there and then dedicate my grandchildren at Roswell Street. That church supported us in prayer as we lived in Guatemala as missionaries for 10 years, publishing our newsletters for us, sending work teams to us, etc.  When we returned, they welcomed us back and I felt like we'd never left.  I'm so blessed and privileged to serve the Lord there as an employee and a member.  I love my co-workers and enjoy great friendship with many.
 A few pics in random order:

A couple of my favorite co-workers!

Out to lunch with the boss

Choir doing some flag-waving on the Fourth of July

The old sanctuary at Roswell Street...many memories

Easter Sunday morning worship

Joe leading Easter worship

Banners decorated the Worship Center on Good Friday and Easter

Good Friday
My little Landon being dedicated
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

We have many wonderful Senior Adults who minister in Cobb County by singing in the Sr. Adult Choir and visiting area nursing homes

Children's Choir at Christmas

Fourth of July morning service

Children's choir and Trio at Christmas

Maddie's Dedication
Our pastor, Dr. Easley

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thank Heaven for Sunshine and Birthdays

What a week And I know all of my neighbors far and wide agree with me on that. Six inches of snow and then 1/4 inch of ice on top to "cement" it all in.  We didn't move for 2 full days and then on Wednesday we were able to get out at lunchtime and slip-slide away to work. John and I were desperate enough for exercise that we bundled up and walked the neighborhood on Monday and Tuesday in 20 something degree weather. Gorgeous snow but so cold.  Finally yesterday and today was more normal.  The roads still have snow piled up on the edges and in the medians but we are able to get around. I loved being at work and seeing my usual folks and sleeping well on these cold nights. We've had bright sunshine that, when reflected on the ice-covered snow, is beautiful but blinding when we drive.

Today is my birthday.  It's been a very happy one.  Lots of facebook greetings from friends, phone calls from my parents and son, gifts from my husband, daughter, and best friend, and lunch out next week with my boss and co-workers to look forward to.  Had supper tonight with my grandchildren at Jim and Nick's and my son-in-law paid! Brownies from my girl....just on and on.  Here's my favorite picture of the week:
My little "Pebbles"  

It's been a memorable week and birthday. I thank the Lord for my 53 "complete" years of  life and, as one friend so appropriately said, the Love that has covered me from the day I was born.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Makes Me Stop!

Snow makes me stop and think...
                                   stop and relax...
                                            stop and pray...
                                                     and read...
                                                        and contemplate...
                                                                slow down...
                                                                     be quiet...
                                                                        be patient...
                                                                           and be thankful for Him

Monday, January 3, 2011


High or special regard...

The Lord has really spoken this word to me for 2011. I can't get the word nor the concept off my mind. If I am respectful of and show respect to....then a lot of problems are resolved or avoided.

If I show respect to myself then that will include my physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental self. I will try not to abuse my poor body so much :) with eating too much or not getting enough exercise.  I will spend more time studying the Bible and in prayer as a respectful task and attitude for my spiritual health.
I will not put myself in situations emotionally that drain me too often or that cause me to sin. And I will try to read more challenging material for my mind rather than sit and let my eyes glaze over in front of the television.

If I show respect to my boss as I should then I will do my very best work. I'll not need to be reminded of things, I'll be organized and protective of my office and of his time. As a result of staying on top of things, I will be a very happy and productive employee who rarely wakes up in the middle of the night remembering something I'd forgotten to do! HA!

If I show respect to my friends and family then I will give them more time, more prayer, more thoughtfulness. I'll try to keep things together at home and try to meet needs that I often overlook. The Lord has lent to me a wonderful family for this time here on earth. I should not take them for granted.

Phil. 2:3-4 says: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

There's a lot more in that chapter than those two verses but that's a good start for me in 2011.