Saturday, June 28, 2008

First Blog

I've heard a lot about "blogging" and I love to keep a journal so I believe I'll enjoy this. I named this blog "50 in P-Town" because I've reached that magic age and it's been anything but!
50 is the new 30??? Please. All within the last year I've had both my kids graduate from college, one get married, one move on to graduate school...yes, we're still paying...ha. I've had two accidents of falling and hitting my head, health problems, a D&C, more health problems, a break-in at the house, an alarm system put in, a new car because the old one died, new challenges on the job, new challenges in the marriage and an empty nest. Wow. I think if I were to take one of those "stress" tests that psychologists give I'd be off the chart. It's been wild but I've grown so close to the Lord in all of it. I've felt His presence constantly and His sense of humor. I know He is in control and whatever hits me has to come through His hands first. So let's continue the adventure. I will "embrace the trials"....

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