Friday, October 16, 2009

Autumn Tradition

It's an autumn tradition for many families. The trip to Burt's Pumpkin Farm is a beautiful and colorful drive. I haven't been since my children were small and their favorite memory was of me falling over the pumpkins backwards as I was taking a photo of them.

Today I went with my granddaughter and her parents who were kind enough to invite me. It was such a refreshing and happy day. The weather was very cool, temp in the low 50s, cloudy, windy, felt so like fall. The pumpkins were spread out all over. Bright orange, pale blue, and white pumpkins were fun to look at and pick through to get just that perfect one. My kids picked a huge one that had to be loaded into a wheelbarrow just to get it to the car. That will be some time-consuming carving into a jack-o-lantern!

I loved looking out at all the families there, hearing the children laughing as they ran around among the pumpkins or riding in the wheelbarrows as their parents tried to get good pictures of them for albums, blogs, and facebook!
Just a peaceful day.

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