Saturday, February 11, 2012


My life is pretty steady and routine at the moment. Don't have a lot to blog about. You'd be bored, bored, bored. I'll just talk about my grandson, Landon. You might be bored but I won't! Ha! The baby boy is 16 months old. He has a very sweet disposition and loves to be held, kissed on those chubby cheeks and just craves the attention that he feels he deserves. Landon stands up for himself with Madison. In fact, she will run from him as he comes at her to demand his toy or her food or whatever. Quite comical to see. But he adores her one can get him to laugh so loud and long as Maddie can. It's sweet to watch. They're only 18 months apart in age and I pray that they'll stay close even through the future years as teens and adults.
Landon's idea of dancing is running around in circles. He loves dancing to the Chipmunks' "Shake Your Groove Thing"...whatever a groove thing is. Ha! He drools as he dances and ends up with a soaking-wet shirt...well, he drools whether he's dancing or not. We're in an interesting phase of hundreds of teeth coming in at once. He greets people with a yell, he hugs, he laughs, he plants slobbery kisses on my mouth. He throws a ball well, runs staggering toward the fireplace at full speed and gives his mother heart failure.

Landon loves to sleep, loves his apple juice, loves cookies and vegetables. He wins the mess-maker prize. I've never seen a baby cover himself with food, cover his high chair, his shirt quite like that boy. Eating is a game to him, I think. Landon's favorite things are 1) his mommy 2) his daddy 3) Madison 4) brooms and vacuum cleaners ???? 5) ME? I hope so, anyway! Ha! He loves to be loved on and is quite the affectionate boy while being ALL boy. We're crazy about him. Another gift from God. We're thankful. (Now if I can talk his mommy into having a few more of these. Teasing, dear)

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