Saturday, November 9, 2013


Because of our God’s merciful compassion,
the Dawn from on high will visit us
to shine on those who live in darkness
and the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of peace. (Luke 1:78-79)

A few favorite photos from the last few months:

Stephen and Rachel were our tour guides of the Grand Canyon

Erin and I got away for some early Christmas shopping

My beautiful girls

Micahbear at 11 months old

Uh oh....

Landon turns 3

The boys...

We visited one of the most beautiful places on earth...Zion National Park in Utah

These last few months have consisted of satisfying work and worship, fun with the babies, time with family, a wonderful vacation, good health, spiritual growth, and quiet walks.

I am full of thanksgiving for these blessings and God's grace in my life.

At the same time, I am prayerful for others.  So many around me are going through such hard times:
rare lymphoma, troubles with grown children, frustration and discouragement in ministry, and on and on.  

I want to be a prayer warrior, a peacemaker, an advocate, a good listener, and an encourager. That is how God is using me right now in this season of my life and I want to do these well.

I know things can change in a moment and I will need someone to be that prayer warrior, peacemaker, advocate, listener and encourager in my own life.  

So, one day at a time...

So thankful to be His.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


It's a breezy, warm August afternoon.  Hummingbirds are fighting it out at the feeder on our front porch.  Little bitty birds but evidently quite territorial.  September is coming next weekend and always with autumn comes the feeling of change.  I really don't know if I want to deal with more change than has happened in the last year.  It has generally happened to others, not me.  But I am on the outer edges of it and it has affected me somewhat in my personal life and workday and definitely my prayer life!

Since last August, my dad has come through lymphoma successfully. He's lymphoma-free.  We are very thankful.  He is healthy and gaining some weight back and has hair on his head and is his funny, quiet self.

In November, we had a new little grandson born to us.  Micah is the most beautiful baby boy ever and so squeezable!  He's taking his sweet time and not even thinking about walking. I want to keep him that way (and I figure his mom does also!)

In the spring, some upheaval came in our office.  We made it through that change.  Then more came.  Named lymphoma again. This is a rare kind and a long battle is ahead for my coworker.  He is showing a very quiet, sure faith and so we will also.  Now we all have new jobs to do in the responsibilities to take up the slack. Our office is efficient and we hope to keep it that way but we are on a learning 'curve' as it is sometimes called.  I'm tired and my mind is a little fuzzy but I'm not the only one.  My boss, at age 44, has a new baby boy..  How about that for a change!!! He's sweet and cute but I am still amused and bemused at the whole event.

My son and daughter-in-law moved to Nevada in May.  What a change! That one was exciting and happy. I miss them very much but I am content that they are where they want to be.  We will be visiting soon.

So those are the good and bad highlights.  Lots of little ones in between but it is a joyful thing to know that HE is with me in 'the trial and the change'...This one thing remains...His love never fails.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

37 Years of Siesta!

37 years! Every 2 years for approximately 37 years, my extended family has been going to Siesta Key near Sarasota.  A truly beautiful place.  Won the "#1 Beach in the Country" award a few years back.  But we've known it was the best for 37 years.  Very white 'fluffy' sand, tranquil ocean like glass, quaint little town for shopping, Big Olaf's ice cream, hole-in-the-wall seafood places, palm trees, amazing sunsets every night, breezy evenings on the beach, and just an overall great time spent together as a family.
Some of my favorite pics of 2013...

Two of my joys in life!

Siesta Key Sunset

My favorite sunset of the week!

The clouds were very unusual this week

We did a lot of this all week


Guitar, mandolin, camera...
Smile, sweeties!

Evening falls....Maddie doesn't want to leave

My sweet companions

Gpapa celebrates his 79th birthday!

Breezy, sweet evenings

One of our favorite spots on earth...Siesta Beach at Sarasota Surf and Racquet Club

Grandchildren and great-grandchildren (missing Stephen and Rachel)

The oldest and the youngest

Loves his Lito!

Stormy evening



Looks intelligent! Rightly so! Cute.

Another gorgeous night

See you again in 2 years, si Dios quiere...

Friday, June 14, 2013

My Favorite Things in Life

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows..."

No description needed!

Stephen and Rachel :)

Favorite place of all time - Siesta Key

My happy place...Cheatham Hill
This church...Roswell Street Baptist

Erin and Brad, the cool parents of three...relaxed and handling it!! :)

Just because...

And MORE of my favorite things...Early morning walks on my trail, summer nights under the ceiling fans, ice cream on Friday nights at G&G's, my boss and his wife expecting a wonderful 'surprise' son in a few weeks, my entire extended family (beach time),  my dad with hair growing in his bald spot (all healthy and almost 79 years old) and, of course, my hubby. He is patient with my long work hours,  is a hard worker and great provider and never complains about cereal for supper! :)

Sigh!  Life is good.  God is patient, kind, merciful, and is actually all I need.  But He GAVE me these.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Landon's Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (or How Gmommy Got 'Mooned' Twice in One Day)

It started out as a normal day to spend with the grandkids!  I brought Happy Meals over for lunch, played a bit, kissed Micah's chubby face a lot, and then Landon went down for a nap.  Well, we wanted him to take a nap like this:
He is always a loving, sweet little boy. Landon is special. He already shows quite the athletic gifts.  But he IS two and a half and that changes things up a bit when a boy's not sleepy.  He played in his room, shouted "Grandmommy" a lot, shouted "no" a get the picture.  Then, these words..."I poopooed, Mommy".  Now, Landon is potty-trained with the exception of naptime when he tends to go.  His mommy went upstairs and then called down..."Mom, you want to see this?"  She sounded very calm and almost like she was laughing. That woman is strong! The sight was amazing. Landon had taken off his own diaper and, well, let's just say stuff was everywhere. Carpet, little bottom, hands, feet, leg, clothes.  Mommy got him cleaned up as best she could and then I put him in the tub,  changed to fresh clothes, and back in the bed. He did finally sleep for 2 hours.  It's tough playing with poo.

Fast forward 3 hours and we were at DQ with all the kids.  Things had gone pretty smoothly until Landon reached for a french fry and knocked over his daddy's full coke.  Onto my jeans, into the baby carseat (baby wasn't in it, thank goodness), on my purse, onto the floor in big puddles.  We started cleaning up (again) and Landon got out of his seat.  He slid down in the coke and landed on his back. Loud crying commenced.   I looked around.  There were lots of expressionless faces on our fellow diners. We got out as quickly as we could!  Off to my parents' house.  Whew.

Fast forward another hour.  The big kids had been playing very nicely. Baby was being happy and charming.  Landon had guzzled quite a bit of water and ice cream.  He'd gone potty twice.  He had to go again but didn't make it this time.  His favorite "Cars" underwear was drenched, his jeans soaked, no extra clothes.  Take off the jeans and just don't sit down, boy!  He ran into the living room, fell hard onto his face, cried really loud.  Okay, time to go home. Sigh. I put him on my hip to carry him out, yes, with soaked underwear against my shirt (my jeans had finally dried out by then).  Off they went to their house and off I went to mine.  No matter the occasional chaos, I am very blessed with three loving grandchildren and their parents who are happy for us to be very involved in their lives.

Fast forward 5 minutes.  I always take a shortcut through a very high-end neighborhood on Old Mountain Road.  I drove through slowly because of all the speed bumps.  Two boys around 14 years old saw me coming as they were walking down the street. As my headlights hit them, they turned and pulled their pants down "full moon". Wow.  I just shook my head and kept driving.  I think I've seen enough rear ends for this weekend.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Checking That Box...

I had my 55th birthday in January.  Yes, I felt a little "old" knowing I can get senior discounts now.  Not that I mind the discounts but there's just something about that word "senior".  I rocked along that month and then I attended a women's conference a few weeks ago.  A shocking thing happened!! I had to fill out a registration card and came to the section of age range.  For years now I'd been checking the 46-54 years box.  I started to put the mark there. Then I realized I'd graduated to the 55-64 years box. Sigh.

Well, the best part of being in my 50s is being Grandmommy to three.  Here they are!

Happy 4th, little princess!

Redheaded butterfly!
My three!

Best smile ever!
Gpapa is looking with Aunt Vicki and Micah!

We visited Stephen and Rachel in Savannah and went to Fort Pulaski with the dog!

The boy!
In other news, my dad is doing so well.  We thank the Lord for His grace and healing.

My son and daughter-in-law, Stephen and Rachel and their cute little dog, Martel, are moving to the Las Vegas area in May for Rachel's job.  We will be excited to visit them sometime this fall.  I have never been that far west and I do love the landscape out there.  They have always wanted to live out west so this will be a dream come true for them.  I am very proud of them.

Well, we are ready for spring. The Bradford pear trees have bloomed and so have our cherry trees.  But it's still been cold and rainy this week.  Good Friday and Easter are approaching...looking forward to our special programs at church.