Saturday, May 4, 2013

Landon's Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (or How Gmommy Got 'Mooned' Twice in One Day)

It started out as a normal day to spend with the grandkids!  I brought Happy Meals over for lunch, played a bit, kissed Micah's chubby face a lot, and then Landon went down for a nap.  Well, we wanted him to take a nap like this:
He is always a loving, sweet little boy. Landon is special. He already shows quite the athletic gifts.  But he IS two and a half and that changes things up a bit when a boy's not sleepy.  He played in his room, shouted "Grandmommy" a lot, shouted "no" a get the picture.  Then, these words..."I poopooed, Mommy".  Now, Landon is potty-trained with the exception of naptime when he tends to go.  His mommy went upstairs and then called down..."Mom, you want to see this?"  She sounded very calm and almost like she was laughing. That woman is strong! The sight was amazing. Landon had taken off his own diaper and, well, let's just say stuff was everywhere. Carpet, little bottom, hands, feet, leg, clothes.  Mommy got him cleaned up as best she could and then I put him in the tub,  changed to fresh clothes, and back in the bed. He did finally sleep for 2 hours.  It's tough playing with poo.

Fast forward 3 hours and we were at DQ with all the kids.  Things had gone pretty smoothly until Landon reached for a french fry and knocked over his daddy's full coke.  Onto my jeans, into the baby carseat (baby wasn't in it, thank goodness), on my purse, onto the floor in big puddles.  We started cleaning up (again) and Landon got out of his seat.  He slid down in the coke and landed on his back. Loud crying commenced.   I looked around.  There were lots of expressionless faces on our fellow diners. We got out as quickly as we could!  Off to my parents' house.  Whew.

Fast forward another hour.  The big kids had been playing very nicely. Baby was being happy and charming.  Landon had guzzled quite a bit of water and ice cream.  He'd gone potty twice.  He had to go again but didn't make it this time.  His favorite "Cars" underwear was drenched, his jeans soaked, no extra clothes.  Take off the jeans and just don't sit down, boy!  He ran into the living room, fell hard onto his face, cried really loud.  Okay, time to go home. Sigh. I put him on my hip to carry him out, yes, with soaked underwear against my shirt (my jeans had finally dried out by then).  Off they went to their house and off I went to mine.  No matter the occasional chaos, I am very blessed with three loving grandchildren and their parents who are happy for us to be very involved in their lives.

Fast forward 5 minutes.  I always take a shortcut through a very high-end neighborhood on Old Mountain Road.  I drove through slowly because of all the speed bumps.  Two boys around 14 years old saw me coming as they were walking down the street. As my headlights hit them, they turned and pulled their pants down "full moon". Wow.  I just shook my head and kept driving.  I think I've seen enough rear ends for this weekend.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Oh my just crack me pun intended!!!!! hahahaha
WOW...that was a day for the history books, especially how you ended it (oops..sorry again) hehehe
I love your blogs and your precious family! Thanks for taking us on the journey with you...wish I had been there. Well, let me rethink that one a second.
Thanks for the laugh Bam!!!
I love you honey!