Saturday, December 11, 2010

Be Yourself! (or Why am I Still Struggling with This at My Age?!)

Thelma Wells writes:

 "If you are trying to be something you know you aren't, if you are trying to do things you know you have little ability, patience, passion, commitment and tolerance for, cut it out!  Be yourself!  
 The great thing about real authority is that God gives me one thing to do, somebody else another.  The reason Lucifer was kicked out of heaven was that he tried to usurp God's authority and be something he wasn't.  How very stupid when he had the fourth best position in heaven!  His jealousy and rebellion cost him his position, his beauty, his ability to make angelic music, and his intimacy with God.  When we operate outside of our authority, we experience similar breakdowns.
 But that doesn't have to happen to you or to me.  Just be who you are, what you are, how you are, the way God made you.  It is His grace that creates in you the talents, inclinations, knowledge and pleasure to be yourself.  Grace empowers you to perform the tasks God has given you on earth and to enjoy what He has called you to do."

1 Corinthians 12:18 says "But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be."  This refers to our physical body and He applies that to the Church also.  Then verse 26 says, "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."

So yes, I'm preaching to myself. I have struggled with this quite a bit lately.  If I would just follow this advice I would enjoy my work and daily life so much more.  So....early New Year's Resolution time. I know the Lord loves me, loves us just as He made us and has a purpose and plan for each of us....we're all different yet equal to Him in value. Thank You, Lord!

Hope you're enjoying this wonderful Christmas Season!!

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