Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Just wanted to write about my son-in-law, Brad. Or Bratley, depending on his behavior at times! I first met him on January 23, 2004. He and Erin had met at Compton Elementary's ASP program and he'd gotten up the nerve to call her and ask her out. Of course, the date was to a hockey game. He's obsessed with hockey and, by the way, is a good hockey player himself. Anyway, he showed up at the door at 8:30 that evening to take Erin to a KSU hockey game. All I saw was this tall blonde guy with a cap on. I thought,"hmm, quite cute. Erin may like this one." It all took off from there. Now he's our daughter's husband and our sweet Maddie's father. We love him like he's our own. Of course, I knew he was "the one for us" when he told me that he had always loved school and that, in fact, he went to bed with his school clothes on the night before the first day of school when he was growing up! That just touched this teacher's heart! He's a true Southern boy and we have to discipline him at times in his craziness but we are very proud of him and his accomplishments, his support and love for our daughter, and his daddy skills. He's the best at rocking that baby to sleep. We thank the Lord for bringing him into our lives.
So,yeah, enough of this mushy stuff. Bradley, settle down, boy, and quit talking about those bodily functions.

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