Friday, August 28, 2009

Claim Your Territory!

I read an interesting devotional in my Bible the other day. It has stayed with me each day and I need to put it into practice. As Christians we tend to go back to the same scriptures over and over...our favorites maybe or just the ones we can find quickly when we need a good Bible verse. The devotional writer said to picture our Bibles as Abraham must have pictured the Promised Land when God said to him to "Go walk through the length and breadth of it for I am giving it to you." We visit Psalm 23 and Proverbs and Philippians over and over but there is so much more to inspire, comfort, and teach us. Beautiful passages like Job 38 give us new perspective as God says to Job: "Have you ever given orders to the morning or shown the dawn its place?"
We need to claim our land and expand our territory in the God-breathed gift of the Word.

1 comment:

Helen said...

Bambi, what a great devotional word from you! I enjoy reading your journal, thanks for sharing from your heart. Love you, Helen