Saturday, December 12, 2009

Girls' Day Out and Bridal Flashbacks!

Such a fun day today despite the rainy, cold weather. Erin, Maddie,and I met Kelly (Erin's best friend through middle school and high school) at various bridal shops in the area. Kelly was also Erin's maid of honor as you see from the pictures above. This time I was sitting with Kelly's mom, very relaxed, loving watching Kelly try on dress after dress. We visited three bridal shops and I believe Kelly tried on 25 dresses at least. I think the winner is a gorgeous champagne-colored vintage-look dress with beading and lace and lots of glitz. We left home at 9:00 am and returned at 5:30. The baby was an angel and loved hanging out with the girls. She spent many an hour clapping, bouncing, watching everything around her and just, in general, being charming in her pink-striped leggings, pink shirt and RED hair!

Today brought back some wonderful memories of shopping with my own daughter for her wedding dress. It was an exciting time and she looked radiantly beautiful in each dress. It was hard to choose but then the moment came where she knew "this is the dress"! Ah well, maybe I'll get to be in on the dress search for Maddie one day! Balancing on my walker? Who cares! Life is good and I love these blessed and special moments!

1 comment:

Angela said...

I hope you do! Mom and Grandmother were there with me for my dress search and I wouldn't trade that memory for everything. Actually, Grandmother was there for EVERY wedding event, and Bip was a major part too (invitations, centerpieces). I know you'll be just as wonderful for Maddie.