Saturday, September 25, 2010

Two Births

Stephen at one week old

My son, Stephen, was born 26 years ago today in New Orleans.  What a difference these days in the whole birth experience from back then.  My doctor was very sought after and I was fortunate to get into his practice when I did. He was also old-fashioned and very cautious.  I found out I was pregnant the old-fashioned way...through a blood test at his office.  Over-the-counter pregnancy tests were not around.  He did a pelvic exam every single office visit because, as he told me, "I've lost too many babies due to incompetent cervix."  So he always made sure every month that all was well. My pregnancy went along well with no sickness.  I was very healthy except for one incident.  When I was 3 months pregnant, I fell down some steps at work and landed on my side.  Sprained my wrist, had a black eye, bruised up all over from the fall.  The doctor put me on paragoric (sort of a muscle relaxer/sedative/tranquilizer)and I slept for 3 days. That was to keep me from losing Stephen. Well, it worked but I don't know that they'd do that today.  When my due date approached my doctor talked to me about a c-section. He said, "You can go into labor but the end result will be the will have to have a c-section".  I had cephalopelvic other words, the baby's head was too big to be born the normal way...I was too small.  Back then, I didn't do much reading about birth except for what the doc had given me in the way of materials. So,  I just said okydokey, let's plan the c-section.  On September 24, I went into the hospital, checked into my room, had a great dinner (the food was actually good) and went to sleep.  The c-section was scheduled for noon the next day.  About 7 am the nurses came in and did the "full-bucket enema" and complete shave! haha. None of them liked my doctor because of all his requirements.  The doc came in and said let's do it.  It was 10:00 a.m.  I just remember saying "wow, we're early" and they rolled me on the stretcher to the operating room.  Got my epidural, which was quite a painful procedure. They let my husband come in and things proceeded.  The doctor and his nurses were making bets on the baby's weight and sex.  (Back then ultrasounds were not common).  My doctor predicted 8 lbs. 1 oz.  When Stephen was born, he pee-peed on the doctor immediately.  His weight? 8 lbs even.  The doc said he lost the 1 oz in the pee.  Good job!

I stayed in the hospital learning to nurse and recovering from the c-section for 6 days! Isn't that amazing? These days c-section patients are released in about 3 days at most.  I took that boy home to our little apartment at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary where I was able to be a stay-at-home mom while my husband went to school and worked.  We lived very inexpensively and were very happy!  22 months later my daughter was born in the same way at the same hospital.

Landon at several days old


Now jump ahead 26 years later.  9 days ago my little grandson was born.  I have to say that my daughter is my hero! I've seen her birth 2 babies and it's an amazing thing to watch.  She was so strong and determined and focused during both births.  This time she was 3 days past her due date and so agreed to be induced.  We have always heard negative things about being induced. It many times leads to c-sections when the labor stalls out.  She knew she was taking this chance but this being the second child, the midwife was certain things would be fine.  First of all, she had to call the hospital and find out when she could come. Then wait on another call for the final admittance time, be admitted,  get hooked up to the pitocin that stimulates labor, and then see what happens.  I got to the hospital soon after she started the pitocin at 9:25 am.  Some hours later she was at 3 cm and finally around suppertime was at 5 cm. We were happy about that since progress was being made.  At the beginning of the day she was sitting on the "birthing ball" that supposedly helps manage pain, etc.  Unfortunately, she experienced back labor as she did with her first child.  Time for the epidural then.  The contractions seemed to be a good regular pattern and then late in the afternoon she began to have severe pain in one spot.  The anesthesiologist "topped off" the epidural twice but the pain did not go away. As Erin's mom, I was having a hard time with this. I hated to see her hurt so much and, truthfully, it did alarm me. I wondered if something else was wrong.  Besides this pain she had not made any more progress in dilation and the contractions were getting further apart and irregular.  I was beginning to think "c-section".  And I got nervous merely because she had such a successful birth experience with her first.  Contrary to what most people think, a c-section is not that hard to recover from, especially when you're young and healthy so I wasn't worried about that part of it.  I'm sure we were just all second-guessing the decision for inducing at this point.

Around 8:00, she was still a 5 and the talk began about putting in an internal monitor to check the strength of the contractions.  The midwife returned at 9:15 and checked Erin again.  I heard her say something like, "Whoa, you're ready to start pushing"! I don't remember the exact words but we were ecstatic to learn that Erin had dilated 5 cm in one hour.  The team started to gather together, getting the warmer ready, the instruments ready, etc.  The comical part was that the nurses had to try and figure out how to get the bed set up for the "birthin'"!  It was a new bed and they had not had training on it. They kept calling other nurses in and asking them. That took a full ten minutes and finally Erin began to push at 9:25 pm after 12 hours of labor.  Everyone had left the room except the midwife, Brad, me, and a couple of nurses.  It was quiet and dark and calm.  The nurse coaching Erin had a very quiet voice and urged her at each push and counted to 10 each time.  Then we would wait about 3-4 minutes for the next contraction and she would push again.  I was amazed at how strong she was considering she couldn't feel a thing and was so numb from the several "topping offs" of the epidural.  At 9:45, the baby was born....amazing sight.  He was covered with the white "vernix" coating all newborns have and he came out crying.  He was just so cute.  That was my first thought...cute and, oh my goodness, all that dark hair.  (In comparison to big sister who had very little red hair).  He weighed 8 lbs, 1 oz. which was a pound and a half more than his sister. He cried and cried and had to be suctioned quite a bit.  I spent a few minutes taking pictures and standing over by Erin to see how she was doing and then I left and got my parents and husband to come see the newest family member...great-grandson, grandson, son, nephew, little brother!  We are so happy.  Thanks to our Lord for His blessing and the joy He gives to us in this life through events like this!

So there you have it.  A story of two births, 26 years apart, mother-daughter experiences and how different they were. Two boys, one by C-section, one vaginal birth.  Both born in September at the end of a long hot summer.  Both very loved and anticipated creations from God.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Baba, Company, Big Sister Maddie, and More (or One Tired Gmommy)

I will write my experience of my little grandson's birth after my daughter writes it from her perspective.  That may be a long time since all she is doing right now is breastfeeding, sleeping, eating, changing diapers on two babies, and trying to keep Maddie from poking her brother's eye out.

I have been bonding heavily (sigh) with my granddaughter since last Friday when she woke me at 5:00 a.m. after I'd gotten to bed at 1:30.  I was hyped, putting up pictures online, etc. after the elation of seeing my grandson born just a few hours before midnight and after a long worrisome day.  And there the little redhead was, ready to eat a "waffa" and "appa" juice.  Then we rested on the couch and she went back to sleep for an hour and a half. I wanted to put her down but was afraid to so I lived with the crick in my neck and her sweaty head on my chest. Sweet!  We got up finally and got ready to go to the hospital to see mama and "baba" and dadda.  We got in the shower together but not before I spent a few minutes chasing her around naked. Yes, I was naked as was she! She was having a blast trying to avoid the shower. This day reminded me why God gives babies to 20-somethings and not 50-somethings.  Finally got ready and on the road for the hospital.  I had neglected to bring a hair dryer so I rolled the windows all the way down, turned up the radio and sped down the highway as Maddie yelled at the top of her lungs at everything she saw on the way.

 At the hospital she was not impressed with her "baba" at first.  She was more concerned with her mama.  After a little time though she warmed up and gave him a little kiss on the head.  After a few hours we headed back home for supper and bedtime and waited on the parents to be discharged from the hospital.  My hubby and I drove home late and fell into the bed exhausted.

Sunday, we had several visitors. I love these after-childbirth visitors. Some come with mini-cheesecakes like Brad's sweet cousin, Mary.  I was there helping my daughter again as her hubby had to be at church running the sound board for the services.  Our very dear friend, Cheryl, came bearing gifts.  Indeed one gift for Maddie was a cute little Halloween Bear that had a hood and shirt. The problem was the shirt doesn't come off. Maddie cried and cried wanting that shirt off and that hood off. (can you say OCD).  We finally distracted her and headed upstairs to play in her new ball pit/trampoline that her daddy bought as a great big sister gift. During the afternoon, we had several little mishaps and Cheryl claims that she will never be welcome at their home again. But really it was quite a distraction and hilarious.  Wherever my friend goes, something happens. She's just one of those people who lights up a room and leaves everybody laughing.  Poor Maddie fell on Cheryl's shoe and broke open a sore place on her own foot, leaving blood on the carpet.  This was after being upset about the bear.  I was so tired I forgot to close the stair gate and we almost had a disaster. And, by the way, I can move fast for a 52 year old woman when I have to!  I won't go into all the rest but it was a fun afternoon for me.  My daughter just sat quietly downstairs in the living room nursing the baby and wondering what was being done to her daughter with the various noises, bumps, screams, etc, going on. But, hey, at least she had some down time!

Seriously, though, the big sister is adjusting well. She's a tad whiny and clingy but that's to be expected with a new baby, company in and out and the everpresent grandmommy telling her what to do.  She loves to hold her brother and she's very sweet but she also prides herself  in naming body parts and "EYES" are a favorite. She happily pokes Baba in the eye to prove she knows what's what!

Here are some pics from the last few days:
I love this picture of my boy.  He was awake at midnight ready to eat.

Yeah, kid, I've about had it with you. Into the pit you go!

Her expression is pretty much the way it is since the baba came.

Love Mrs. Cheryl!

Ms. Cheryl, you're a lot more fun than my grandmommy!

TIRED of posing!

Oh okay.  Pretty Pic!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

He's Here

Born September 16, 8 lbs. 1 oz

Saturday, September 11, 2010

More Observations of Madison (Or How Will I Ever Keep Up With Her!!)

Maddie with her favorite BALL of her great-grandparents' yard.
This child changes too fast. Every week  I am amazed at how much she has learned to do and how her personality has even more added delights and dangerously bold actions!

Last night we celebrated my mother's birthday at their house.  Madison was her busy self as usual. But this time came with a twist.  She is fascinated by a "gazing ball" that is a garden decoration in my parents' yard.  No one wanted to take her out to see it AGAIN because of the mosquitos that were in abundance out there.  So she decided to take care of that herself.  Front door...easy to conquer. Out she went. Thank goodness, I saw her go and grabbed her as she made her escape onto the front porch.  Back in we went and locked the door.  In a little while Maddie thought she'd like to go out on the back deck.  Deck problem. Out she went and I ran just in time to catch her as she headed towards the steps out there. Whew! Back inside...locked the door!  Went around and checked ALL the doors. Garage door, basement door, check, check.  We thought we were safe then.  After a little while, she had had enough of adult conversation and looked for something to do.  She disappeared and within seconds my mom headed toward her bedroom to find her. Maddie stood there by her great-grandmother's bed looking very innocent.  Inside the master bath the water was running in the tub.  Good grief!  She spent the rest of the evening running back and forth, charming us all, swinging her arms, asking for the "BAWL" in her southern accent. She finally ran out of steam and her parents got her home and put her to bed. She never woke up as they got her ready, except to say "ball" one more time in her sleep. :)


This sweetheart with her mommy's sweetness and her daddy's happy, hyper personality is a handful already.  I love this crazy redhead!

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Sweet Pic and Still Waiting

There's my mom and me many, many, many years ago! Ha. About 52 to be exact.  Today is mom's birthday.  I have a wonderful mom and dad who have supported me, loved me, blessed me with their marriage, directed me and taught me with their faith throughout my life.  If I went to heaven now, I could say that I have had a wonderful, amazing, happy life due mostly to their upbringing and influence.  When people talk about their childhood and how hard things were, I sit in ignorance.  My childhood days and teenage days and young adult days were full, happy, disciplined (with one look out of my mom's eyes!) and fun!  I hope my children will feel the same way about me when I'm 73!!  Happy Birthday, Mom!

Now, about that grandmother thing going on in my life!  We are still waiting on baby boy's arrival. He's not late yet but about to be. He's just very comfortable I suppose.  I'm praying for my daughter as she gets less comfortable each day.  I hope you'll see some pics right here sometime next week of the newest member of the family.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


It is officially still summer according to the calendar but today feels wonderfully like fall. Just a few more weeks and this beautiful, cool, lovely weather will be the norm.  Everything is still green and summery but you can feel the change coming in the breeze.  You can also see the change coming if you just turn on the TV and see all the football games.  This is my favorite season and I know I'm not the only one that feels that way. The air just makes you feel good to be alive and anticipating the next few months of scarlet and orange and yellow color, pumpkins (I love pumpkins!), holidays, family, new beginnings!  I've always felt like fall was more the Happy New Year than January 1st.  I was one of those kids who loved school. Wish I still did...maybe I'd go back for my masters degree!

I changed the decorative stuff on my porch today, put on the autumn-designed bedspread, swept the back deck of the dead leaves...lots of good that will do in a few weeks. It'll be covered again! I've changed out a lot of my spring/summer clothes in the closets for the lighter-weight long-sleeved stuff. Yes, I know we'll be hitting 90 again next week but whatever. The AC will still be running and we'll be freezing at the office and at church and in restaurants.

I'm sitting by the phone, sleeping with my cell phone, etc, waiting to hear that baby grandson is on the way. I've helped my girl get ready somewhat for the new baby. Now we just sit and wait and get excited over every twinge of pain, contraction, etc.  Still another week to go and he seems content to stay put inside his mommy.

Yesterday I took some long overdue pictures of my granddaughter. I've neglected that lately and I know good and well that the camera will be reserved for the baby boy soon. So here are a few highlights: