Friday, July 9, 2010

An Observation of Madison

Time to write a little on the sweet granddaughter. I haven't been on the blog much in the last month or so. And she's been growing and blossoming and becoming quite the little toddler.  Maddie has a mind of her own already but is a very sweet, usually obedient little girl.

Her hair is a beautiful bright copper color.  She is getting more in the back and on top but there are still some thin areas in front. I think that she makes people smile with that little red head of hers and as we pass people in the store she leans forward, smiles, and says "Hey!".  No one can resist that smile and those beautiful clear blue-gold eyes.  Going shopping is always an adventure and if I'm not feeling really outgoing or friendly, too bad! She makes me behave!

 Her personality is a lot like her father's.  Outgoing, rambunctious, active, always happy, good sport, easily adaptable.  She is very stoic when it comes to being told "no" however.  Her favorite disobedient thing to do is look at me with no expression and drop her food off the side of her high chair. I can speak sharply to her, tell her no, and the expression doesn't change.  Oh...did I say this reminds me of her mother back in her baby years?? Ha! And manipulation is her specialty. If she is doing something she's not supposed to do and I call her on it she looks at me, leans forward and says "hey!" with a beautiful smile. Hmmm.

Madison is an affectionate child who likes to kiss both cheeks now when she gives us kisses.  She hugs, she runs to us to be picked up, she is overjoyed to see us.  Needless to say, on a down day, that is our pick-me-up.

She has a few fears...the new one is thunder.  When she hears thunder or a loud noise, she'll run and put her head in your lap. Aww! Her favorite things are balls. Balls of any size, color and if we happen to go through the produce aisle, everything is a ball. Oranges, apples, grapes, even watermelons pass as balls. She gets so excited! The best way to make the picky eater eat is to say "you want some of these balls?"  Peas, baked beans, etc., get scarfed down that way!

She knows where baby brother is and points him out to us saying "ba-ba".  She uses that term for baby...don't worry...she's not saying "bubba"!  We'll try to avoid that!

Let's just say that I'm in love with this sweet baby girl of almost 16 months old.  She is a true JOY to us and we are thankful to God for blessing our family with this little girl.

In her beautiful bikini at the pool!

Modeling for her mama!

She loves walking around the "Avenue".  She's been strolled there since she was about 4 weeks old. Now she wants OUT of the stroller.

1 comment:

Helen said...

Hey Bambi! I'm so glad Erin talked you into blogging again! I've looked for you on here but couldn't find you and now I know why. You do have a gift for writing, thank you for sharing it with us.

Madison is so precious, you are indeed blessed.