Monday, March 22, 2010

Picturing Jesus

I recently did Beth Moore's study called Jesus - the One and Only. It was so good and I highlighted many ideas and concepts that meant a lot to me. In the chapter called "Picturing Jesus" the central verse is Luke 2:52..."Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and with men." The Greek word "sophia" is wisdom. It is having practical and wise management, knowledge, deep understanding, sound judgment and good sense. Being deeply spiritual is also very practical.

Jesus was an ordinary man in stature...he didn't have a Godlike appearance yet people were attracted to Him as "in favor with men". He was popular and drew men to Him like magnets (ex. fishermen leaving their business to follow him). I imagine Him full of laughter and warmth yet serious when He needed to be for His teaching. Isaiah states that "He was despised and rejected" but that didn't happen until He became a threat to "the establishment".

Finally, Jesus grew in favor with God. Their relationship was one of a kind. He was totally dependent on His Father and His Father was pleased and delighted with Him. Yet they were together as part of the Trinity. A difficult concept yet there it is. I find I don't have to understand it all...just believe. My God is BIG.

Jesus was real, He got hungry and thirsty, He played with His little brothers and sisters, He hugged His mother, He loved us before we came to be. As Beth puts it..."Unfathomable".

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