Saturday, November 13, 2010

November Saturday

The husband is on call all weekend so the day started at 4:30 a.m. with that loud obnoxious ringtone. Up at 8:00, leaving him asleep waiting on the next call.  I got industrious and started cleaning...bathrooms, kitchen floor, laundry, dusting....dusting?? I never do that.  Read the paper, read a book. Went to Kohl's and bought a shirt and a sweater along with a hundred other women escaping the constant football game noise on television.  Back home and actually cooked supper...I opened a jar of spaghetti sauce.  Poor husband. He is the real cook around here.  Ready for a busy day tomorrow...trying to figure out what to wear to my grandson's dedication at church.  Then for my job evaluation on Monday.  Will it be...."You're the best ever" or "Tell me your goals for next year"? Oh well, I'll be ready to tell my goals, one of which is to be such a good assistant that if he has to let me go he'd be really bummed about it.
Random pics:

With great-grandpapa

She's in the "no clothes please" stage.

Funny girl!

Such a happy cheerleader.

Making the best of a car ride.

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